Saturday, May 9, 2009

Busy Week!

First of all Happy Mother's Day!

This past week has been a busy week for us. Next week is my piano recital (for my students), so I have been busy getting stuff together for that. So I decided to have fun with Kyle on Friday. Mary called and invited us to go to the zoo with them. I invited Brian and off we went. Kyle loved the lions this time. He was just convinced that since we saw polar bears and seals, that Shamu and dolphins were there somewhere. He was disappointed that they were not there. But he did get to go on the train with Ashlee, Kristen, Melissa, and Uncle Rat (and Aunt Mary too). I forgot the camera and so did Mary so we have no pictures. I know, Mother's of the year.

Then Friday evening we started to work in our garden. A guy within our ward boundary is letting the ward use about 1 acre of his land for a community garden. So we have about 800 square feet of garden space. A guy in our ward, who works with the farmer, tilled in manure and marked off the plots. So we raked all the clots out and planted some of our garden. We are planting onions, radishes, carrots, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, beans, pumpkins, watermelon, and cantelope. That is what we have planted for now. Of course we will do tomatoes, jalapenos, anaheim peppers, strawberries, and raspberries when frost is no longer a concern. Kyle loved digging in the dirt. We just had to watch him and make sure he wasn't digging in another plot ;)

On Saturday, Kyle woke us up early. This was good because our hoa was doing a comunity garage sale. We did slow drive by's and found a trampoline for Kyle for $75. It is 12' and has the enclosure and it was in excellent condition! I have been looking on Craig's List and they were going for $150 - &250, so we got a great deal. We came home and set it up, with the help of Uncle Rat. The enclosure still needs some work done on it, but Kyle loves it! He would stay out there all day if he could.

Henry needed to get some shooting done so we went up to Golden and Kyle and I went to the train museum. It just happened to be Mother Goose Fest there. There are these trains that are called "Galloping Goose". There are 7 in the world, the museum owns 3, 1 no longer exists, and 3 are owned by others (1 of them is at Knotts Berry Farm). They got 2 others there, so there were 5 there total to celebrate Mother Goose Fest, in honor of Mother's Day. Do you get it?! Anyway, we rode a goose train and Kyle had a hot dog. We looked at the trains, as always.

When we got home we worked on the garden some more. We are done in the garden until the frost is no longer a concern. We also still need to buy the plants. Hopefully Henry's gardening gene is stonger than my brown thumb and we get some good fruits and vegetables out of our garden.


Sarah said...

Your garden looks awesome! I think I need a plow or something to get my furrows looking better. Sounds like you have been busy and will now be even busier with Henry's new calling. Lets play soon!

yer mom said...

I am shocked - Just as I am with both Heidi Pryor and Scott - GARDENING - yes there was a time not too many years ago; when the children of Steve and the children of Rick HATED yardwork - including gardening. My how time changes these young kid. My favorite is the picture of Henry - sweet sweet Henry - planting little seeds in the ground. Seriouly this sounds fun - especially with people in your ward. Crazy Uncle Elise

p.s. Kyle is so cute and so grown up. Hope he takes after the Hellstrom side more than the Ferguson side J/K Love you all!