Sunday, January 18, 2009

Party #2

Kyle's birthday was yesterday and Melissa's is today (my niece). We got together with the family to have a combined birthday party. We had hamburgers and hot dogs, mmmm a favorite of Kyle's. We opened gifts, and boy was Kyle spoiled this year.

I made Kyle a stegasaurus cake. He is into dinosaurs and trains. I made him a train cake last year and he had a train cake at his party the day before. He kept raoring at his cake. I think it was a hit!

Kyle always has fun with his cousins, but they gave him a boucey ball that you sit on. The girls have one each so they were going around the house racing. It was really cute.

Kyle also got a dinosaur puppet from Dad and Mom. He runs around the house with it roaring and trying to scare us.

Happy Birthday Kyle!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I found your blog! Your so cute Staci and amazing at everything you do. Can't wait to see some updates. Kyle is so adorable. Can't believe that he is already three. I remember when all the little tikes hung out in Sunday school together before nursery and now they are so big.