Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I know this is a day late but our router died last week. We had to go out and by a new router and Henry had to set it up. For anyone who doesn't know Henry, that was a task for him.

Yesterday was Father's Day, hope everyone had a great day! We had my parents (Steve and Jeanne) and my brother Michael and his wife Mary and there three kids Ashlee, Kristen, and Melissa over for dinner. We used one of Henry's Father's Day gifts (a smoker) and smoked 2 briskets. The flavor was good but they weren't tender. We will try again later and cook it longer and at a lower heat. It was such a nice day that we pulled out Kyle's slip n slide. The kids had a blast. Kyle likes to run through the water, not a fan of the sliding yet! But boy does he love to play in the water.

I am starting summer piano lessons this week. It will be interesting to see how many take piano this summer. The school district out here just switched from year-round school to traditional school. A few parents have already called and are going to take the summer off for vacations and sports.

Henry is just working hard and projects just keep coming faster than he can finish them. He is busy getting ready for the 11 year old scout camp at the end of the month. He has fun there but is always glad when it is over.

Kyle is busy playing. His favorite toy is the Thomas the Tank Engine Take Along set. They are the die cast trains not the wood ones. He loves to play outside best of all. He loves to play with the basketball set and we just bought him a t-ball set. It was for 5+ but he sets the ball on the t and hits it with the bat. He does pretty well. Henry needs to work him on his form.

1 comment:

amber schmidt said...

Hey Staci! It's been a really long time! I think the last time I saw you was 5 1/2 years ago at our open house. I'm glad that you started a blog because it will be much easier to stay in touch! (Grandma Rae forwarded me your blog address) Here is ours spencer & brandee also have one and I don't know thier address, but you can get it from my blogroll once you go to ours. Have a great week =).