Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camp Out

This week we went camping with our ward. We went to a place that is 30 mins. south west of us called Lone Rock. It was beautiful. Right next to the campsites was the South Platte river. It was very shallow and slow so it was good for the kids to play in and wade in. We brought Kyle's fishing pole and he had a blast fishing! He did not want to get out of the river for anything, not dinner, not smores, not bed. Luckily a young man in our ward who babysits Kyle often brought a football so Kyle carried that around and played with it the rest of the night. It started to rain at 9:30 so we went to bed early. In the morning Kyle wanted to go fishing again. So Henry took him down after breakfast. Kyle ended up throwing another kids sippy cup in the river. Henry had to retrive it and got soaked in the prossess, so ended the Ferguson's camping trip.


Tiffany Inman said...

OH wow - I just had a wave of joy wash over me - Kyle and his little fishing pole, camping in such beauty, and the happy smiles on all of your faces!! You have been blessed Staci - truly blessed!!
This blog is such a good idea - I've wandered away from Colorado and from you, but now I can keep updated on your families adventures!
Much, so so so much love -

Stacy said...

I know you can't admit this to anyone but I am positive that your next door neighbors on last years campout were WAY cooler than this years. I mean c'mon who are we kidding here.
Hope you had fun at Cub Camp. Jack just made it here in time to check in. He loved every minute. The camp lasts 5 days here! And just an FYI all the Cub Scout programs out here take the entire summer off because of sports, vacations, etc. Just a thought.