Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blizzard 10-28 to 10-29

We have 2 feet of snow and the storm is finally winding down. We have had fun while being snowed in. Last night Kim and Brian came over and we watched a couple of movies. Today we shoveled our walks along with a few of our neighbors. We have a snowblower and we feel bad for our neighbors who don't. A must for every home owner! With Kyle, we are usually shoveling snow back off of the walks.

Then this afternoon, before Kim had to go to work, we all went sledding. Kyle went down once and said "That's enough." So we all went down a few more times. It was fun. Kyle was more interested in mking and throwing snowballs. After we had hot chocolate and took Kim home so she could go to work. We are just chillin' getting ready to watch movies.

Kyle's Playgroup Halloween Party 10-28

Kyle is in a boy playgroup and it happens that I was hosting this week so we had a Halloween Party. We played Halloween Bingo, Don't Eat Pete, Hot Potatoe (with Halloween Kid Music), we had a pinata, and snacks. Kyle hepled stuff the pinata. He couldn't wait to break it open after he knew what was in it. For snacks we had apples with carmel dip sauce, ear wax swabs, candy corn kabobs (pinapple, mand. oranges, and mini mallows), and witches brew (lime kool-aid with dry ice so it smoked out of the cauldron). It was cool and Kyle had a blast with his friends!

Kyle and his friends playing Don't Eat Pete.

Snacks for the party.

Halloween Party's 10-24

We have been busy getting ready for Halloween. Mom and I made our Halloween costumes. We all went as someone from Phineus and Ferb (best show on TV by the way!). Kyle was Phineaus, Brian was Ferb, I was Candace, Henry was Dr. Doofenshmirtz, and Kim was Vanessa. So far we have been to the trick or treat train at the train museum, and the trunk or treat at the church. We stioll have boo at the zoo and then trick or treating. Kyle picked out the costumes for everyone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted anything new in over a month. We have been really busy. Then to top it all off, we have been sick this week. So since I am laying low for a few days I figure that updating the blog would be a good low impact activity. There are a lot of posts so please read on! There are 7 posts not including this one (it goes on to another page).

Rockies Postseason Playoff Game

A friend of ours sold us 4 tickets to game 4 of the NLDS. The game was supposed to be Sunday night but becasue of the extreme cold, Saturdays game was moved to Sunday so ours was moved to Monday.

The weather was great! Kyle was so excited to go. All day he talked about going to the Rockies game and seeing the baseball game. As soon as we got there, Kyle fell asleep and got sick with a low grade fever. Poor kid. The rockies lost, it is still too painful to talk about. Kyle really perked up in the 7th when we sang Take Me Out To The Ball Game and there were fireworks.

We took Brian with us.

Kyle Starts Football

Friday (Oct. 9) Kyle had his first football practice. Kyle had a blast! He was running around and laughing. Dad was so proud. The best was when they were playing shark and minnows. The sharks had to pull the flags off of the minnows. Kyle was one of two minnows left in the first game. Infact there were a swarm of sharks going for him. He stopped, the sharks ran past him, and he ran on. One of the dads said "did you see that kid just juke the sharks? That was great!" Maybe he will be a running back. Quarterback is his other option becasue he can't catch to save his life!

Its A Major Award!

Kyle and I went to pick up Henry last week. When we got home there was a box on our front porch. Henry automatically thought I had bought something. Opened it up and we had won a contest! We NEVER win anything.

A few months ago Kyle was reading his Disney and Me magazine and saw the contest page. He told me he wanted that and pointed to it. So we sent in a postcard. They were only giving away 20 of these prizes. So I was shocked to have won. It was a Mickey Clubhouse bubble machine with bubbles, and a Mickey bubble wand with bubbles.


While Henry was out of town last week, Brian and I had to go to the garden and pick our pumpkins before the snow came. Kyle helped dig up the plants, he carried the pumpkins, he was a great help. We picked roughly 10 pumpkins.

Estes Park 10-1 to 10-4

Every October Conference week we go up to Estes Park with my family. I love Estes Park and every fall I can't wait to go up there. This year mom decided to get H1N1 so mom and Dad didn't come up. Were all bummed about it but we didn't want to get it.

Henry, Kyle, and I went up Thurs. afternoon. We went to dinner at a neat restaurant called the Dunraven. Really good Itlian food. After we went back to the cabin were Henry worked and Kyle and I watched TV.

This year Kim went with us (Brian's girlfriend). They arrived Fri. afternoon and went on a tour of the Stanley Hotel (Stephen King's inspitation for the Shinning). After, Michael and Mary came up Fri. night and had rented the tv mini series The Shinning. This one was more true to the book and was filmed at the Stanley. So after the kids went to bed we watched the first 2 episodes and watched the last one Sat. night.

We like to play games and just hang out and relax. Saturday we went down the big slide in town. A hit with the kids!

The kids dressed for bed and playing with the magnent dress up dolls Mama and Papa sent up.

Kyle's Girlfriend

Kyle always has hung out with girls. All of my friend have girls his age. Only recently has he started hanging out with boys, We have a playgroup with 5 boys from church and he plays with other boys in preschool, but this was to funny.

Mymom is in the primary presidency and one of the teachers came out and of nursery and told her she feels bad for Kyle because McLayne won't leave Kyle alone and always wants to hold his hand. They are in preschool together too and she came to out summer outings group. On our last trip we went to Dino Ridge and walked up the road. Kyle and McLayne held hands the whole time up. It was really cute. Kyle really likes to play with her too. And for all you Ute fans, her Uncle is Tony Bergstrom.

A Day Out With Thomas

First let me say, Henry did not get an animal this year. He is not real happy about it so please do not ask him about it.

On to Thomas. We went and saw Thomas on September 26th. We buy the earliest tickets so we are in before the crowds and leave as they are all coming in. It was a little cool to start out but as the day went on it warmed up nice.
We rode a train pulled by Thomas. All the kids are so excited. A friend of ours compared it to a rock concert for toddlers. All the kids are screaming "It's Thomas!" It is a crack-up!
After the train ride they have activities (story time, meet Sir Topham Hat, lego center, and petting zoo). Kyle always has a blast each year.