Sunday we had a fire pit at Mom and Dad's. Kyle has been bugging us to roast marshmallows for a few weeks so we pulled out the pit and made a fire. We had fun and Kyle burned (I mean CHARRED) 2 marshmallows and called it good. We all had fun though. It was great weather too.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hangin' Out
Sunday we had a fire pit at Mom and Dad's. Kyle has been bugging us to roast marshmallows for a few weeks so we pulled out the pit and made a fire. We had fun and Kyle burned (I mean CHARRED) 2 marshmallows and called it good. We all had fun though. It was great weather too.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kyle Started Preschool!
Kyle getting ready to go onto Ms. Holly's house
I walked back to pick him up, this time I brought the jogging stroller and some snacks for him. When he came out he said he played with his friends, played on the computer, colored, and have fun. He said he wanted to go back. That has to be a good sign!
For dinner Kyle got to choose where he wanted to go for dinner. We wanted it to be a special day for Kyle. He chose Chick-Fil-A a favorite of his.
Cornerstone Splash Park 8-10
Hunting Season is Coming!
Brian in the tree stand waiting for Henry to get to him.
Chatdfiels Swim Beach 8-7-09
Museum of Nature and Science 8-6-09
Kyle and Hope on the way to the Museum
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Royal Gorge
Kyle and Daddy playing at the Dinosaur Depot
Then we went to the train depot and got on our train. We rode in the vista dome car so we could see up the canyon walls. It was really neat! We saw lots of rafters but no wildlife :( Kyle loved the train ride. We had lunch on the train too. Kyle was in heaven.
The Royal Gorge Bridge from the train.
After the train we drove the Skyline Road. Ooops, wish we got more info before we drove it. We were told it had really pretty views of the city. So we thought we would drive it. We get up there and it is a one lanr, one way road and you drive the ridge. It is a staight drop off on either side of the road. It was pretty but it was white nuckle driving the whole way. Just as you think you are done, you crest a hill and there is more.
The view from the windshield.
The view from the passenger window, down.
The view from the driver window, down.
Saturday we drove home and too the scenic route. We drove through Salida and Fairplay and just took our time. We got home late Saturday so we slept in this morning and missed church. Actually we didn't miss church, we just didn't go. After we got home we wished we sayed away a little longer. We are talking about another trip in the next few weeks before hunting season begins.
Tiny Town, CO 7-27
U of U Alumni at the Rockies 7-24
Dinosaur Ridge 7-23
This is Kyle touching the underside of a dinosaur footprint. Probally a stegasaurus, one of his favorites!