Life has been hecktic the past two weeks.Henry had to go to Utah 2 times in less than a week, the last week of January, for business trips. One was an over nighter and the other was a fly in and fly out.
Between trips Kyle and I went to the train museum while Henry went to the archery range. They were moving some of the trains around and using the round house turn table. Kyle was totally engrossed. He sat there for over 30 min. And when it was time to leave, he wouldn't.
Kyle at the train museum. The turn table is behind Kyle.
On Saturdaythe 24th, Henry and Kyle went to the Sportsman's Expo. They rode the lightrail downtown and walked around the expo. They went on a Saturday so it was packed! Henry finally had enough and came home. I stayed home becasue I had, once again, a toothache. And yes, I had my 3rd root canal in 8 months. The endodontist had to do it in two days becasue the root curved. I was on vicodin Monday - Fraiday. Finally I had enough of being on drugs and just tuffed it outfor a few days. Now I get to have 2 crowns put in this year and this year is only 1 month old.
Kyle had his 3 year check up at the end of January. He weights 33 lbs (67%) and is just over 3' (35%). He is a perfectly healthy 3 year old.
February has been pretty tame so far. Henry is leaving for Vegas Thursday and will be gone almost a week. Wish me luck, being home with a 3 year old with no reinforcements. Luckily Dad and Mom live close by and I hang out with them in the evenings.
This is a picture of Kyle finishing off his birthday cake a few days after his birthday. We ended up just throwing it away.